It can’t be that they’re ALL stupid (although I might have said something along those lines, purely out of frustration!).
And then, the inevitable question of “what do I do now?” arises. Do I review the concept quickly and hope that sticks when the “real” lesson didn’t? Do I go back and reteach the whole thing? Do I say “oh well” and move on with pacing?
Well, first, let’s talk about the difference between Review, Reteaching, and Remediation.
Review is spending a shorter amount of time just looking at the content again (re-view). It’s that study guide before the test, the review packet before the exam. It’s a game where we get to look at content from a while back. It’s where you tackle 3 months of content in one class period. Everyone needs review.
*Note: Reteaching requires teachers to make pacing decisions. You WILL have to determine if you take less time on another topic to reteach this one.
Remediating is where you fix a problem, particularly student-by-student. To remediate is to try to address a problem -- like, if Student A didn’t get Concept B. Remediation is more student-specific and attempts to target a problem with a specific piece of content or a skill.. Remediation isn’t the same as reteaching, although they’re often mixed up together. Remediation is more targeted and more clearly defined.
Let’s look at the difference when we look at a one benchmark.
If I were going to REVIEW Civics Benchmark 2.4 (Bill of Rights), I would go back over the Bill of Rights, maybe including it in a review game or playing a video and asking kids to reflect after the video.
If I were going to RETEACH Civics benchmark 2.4, I might start with teaching the hand signals for each amendment (to engage tactile learners) and help the kids organize slips (with one amendment written per slip) into categories. I think I would finally give kids scenarios that had them applying the amendments to a particular topic.
It depends on IF kids bomb, how MANY kids bomb, and HOW they bomb.
We adjust from there.
There’s no silver bullet. But there are plenty of ways to adapt to moments where kids don’t learn what/as much as you want.
Think about using review, reteaching, and/or remediation to help your kids tackle stuf they need to tackle.
As always, let me know how it goes!
Email me at newmantr@pcsb.org
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