What does lesson planning look like for you? I went through a long period at school where I tried to do it in “fits and starts” within my school day. It looked like this:
- Enter benchmarks (by code name, not actually the words) into the template, before school, while eating breakfast.
- Jot down page numbers from workbook while 2nd period is doing their bellwork.
- Mention to colleagues via email where you are with regards to pacing. (“I’m on ___”. “Oh! I’ll be there next week!” “Done. Planned!”)
- Look at resources to see what copies need to be made during lunch.
- Go to copier during lunch and wait in line until copier breaks.
- Figure out if there is an accompanying pre-made assessment while 4th period is working in groups.
- Touch base with same-course colleague between class and say “I’ll plan Wednesday and you do Thursday”
- Look at calendar and see if you can fit it all in in the pacing while 6th period is writing the answers to their assignment.
- Afterschool, try to make copies (because the copier was broken during lunch).
- At home (after favorite TV watching) make powerpoint to put assignments, directions, images together.
So then, I started blocking out my Sunday nights or Sunday afternoons, sitting on my couch and planning lessons.
But then, I ... I lost my Sunday afternoons or Sunday nights! That was no fun and made me cranky!
After being around for a while, I’d like to offer my favorite tips for lesson planning to make it easier on you, less disjointed, hopefully give you your whole weekend, AND make the plans better...
- Plan WITH a colleague, if at all possible. And, no, I don’t mean “divide and conquer” (like, “I’ll make the assessment and you make the power point, talk to ya tomorrow” although that has some merit). No, I mean sit down together and look at benchmarks and curriculum guide and pacing guides together. Two brains are better than one and common planning with a colleague makes your life easier and your plans better.
Close the door. And cover your window, if necessary. Take the classroom phone off the hook and power off your own cell phone. Or go somewhere where you won’t be disturbed, like an unoccupied office that no one knows you are in. But find a bigger chunk of time in a less-likely-to-be-disturbed spot so you aren’t doing it piecemeal style. I promise you will make much better plans if you do them in bigger, undisturbed chunks of time.
- Bust out your benchmarks. And Curriculum Guides and Pacing Guides. And resources. Have it all out and ready to go so you’re not stopping to hunt things down mid-planning session. And then, uh, actually use them.
Plan with the end in mind. What do you want your kids to know and do as a result of this lesson? And don’t say “know more about topic X”. Be specific! And be able to measure it in some way. Think “I want the kids to know the difference between y and z.”. And then ask them to tell you the difference between y and z before they leave class that day.
- Contingency plans: What will you do if the kids don’t get it? (Because, sometimes, they don’t. And complaining or venting don’t count as a contingency plan). But really... If you’re teaching about Westward Expansion, what kinds of mistakes will the kids make? What misconceptions will they have? Which part of the lesson are they most likely to mess up and how can you plan it so a) they don’t mess it up and b) you’re prepared to fix it when they mess it up? I think of this as an “If---Then” statement: “If the kids don’t understand ‘expansion’ then I will teach it like this....”
*I know we usually do a lot of this “on the fly”. But wouldn’t it be easier, more effective, less stressful, and more powerful if you were ready for these moments? Those of you new to teaching are often surprised by where the gaps or mistakes are. But those of you who are veterans, you usually have a pretty good handle on these areas.
6. Use your scale. The whole point of Learning Goals and Learning Targets is to help us plan for how to get our kids from Point A to Point B and how to know if they’re on the right path. So USE THOSE SCALES. Focus on your Level 3 (benchmark) plan what steps YOUR kids need to get there. Don’t decide they can’t ever get there because Level 3 “looks hard”. Plan the steps. If I want them to “Examine the causes, course, and consequences of Westward Expansion” then try
Step 1: Make sure they know what Westward Expansion is.
Step 2: How will I help them examine the causes? The Course? The Consequences? (these will be activities)
Step 3: How will I help them put it all together?
Step 4: How will I find out which kids learned it -- and where the others didn’t learn it?
7. Teach your lesson(s). You know how to do this. Enough said.
Do you do this every day? Heck no! You do this as YOU do this. Some people will hole up in a storage room once a week and bang out a week’s worth of lessons. Some people will meet with their colleagues every other week and talk through the plans together for the month. Some people can only give this twenty minutes before school on alternate Tuesdays plus first lunch on B-days.
And yes, lesson plans take time. And yes, every school seems to have a different format, style, schedule for lesson planning. But behind all that are good plans that lead to successful lessons and better and more knowledgeable kids -- who hopefully become both good citizens and decent on tests.
Which parts of this do you do? Which parts do you fly through -- and which parts take more time? Which parts of lesson planning do you like? And which parts make you nuts? As always, I love to hear from you! Email me newmantr@pcsb.org